cardio exercise at home for beginners

Cardio Exercises At Home For Beginners

As the weather is in the rapid-changing mode, outdoor enthusiasts are moving back to home for doing their cardio exercises. Outdoor cardio exercise can be great, warm weather, relaxing nature, scenery, fresh air, and affordable ways to work up a sweat. But somewhere in between, home is still the favorite place to do the cardio workout. Moving outside is easy but working out at home gives some impressive perks of comfort and calm surroundings is a big positive.

So, if you are looking to crunch some calories and spike your heart rate by working out on some cardio exercises at home, we’re here to help you out.

Here are some calorie-burning exercises that can be done easily at home with minimal equipment. 

  • Leg Exercise: 

One can easily turn a lazy Sunday into a mind-blowing leg-day, that too at home. There are many ways for a beginner to get started with cardio exercise at home and leg exercise is one of them. All you need is a resistance band to give you the grip and hold on to your moving muscles. Marching in place is a perfect choice for warm-up or single cardio activity. This exercise can elevate the heart rate. For this, you have to follow these simple steps.

> Keep the feet apart (not more than 3 inches)

>  Keep the feet in a synchronization position

>  Bend the knees slightly and lift one leg off the floor

>  Hold in the position for 10–15 seconds and return the foot to the floor.

  • Air jump rope: 

Air Jump rope is another exercise that has been done in households for ages now. This is an exercise that is done by all age groups. This exercise requires you to keep a jumping rope handy. This exercise provides an alternative to jogging and is best suitable to warm up the entire body. For doing this exercise for Jumping rope, all you have to do is stand with your feet together and jump up and down while swinging the rope in a circular direction.

  • Pedaling with mini-cycles: 

Mini cycles are yet another cardio exercise for beginners at home. By practicing this you can burn 400 calories in just one hour. Apart from this, pedaling from these mini-cycles strengthens your lower body and calves. Your hips, glutes, and legs get enormous strength by practicing this cardio exercise at home. These mini-cycles are made in a way to tone legs, muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors. Cycling or biking is a top-notch cardio workout thus they help in improving overall fitness.

  • Dancing to your favorite music: 

Shaking your leg up is the most underrated cardio exercise of the era that beginners can do at home. You can easily turn your kitchen, your veranda, or even the living area into the dance floor in your leisure time. Dancing to upbeat music can burn calories and turn into a very enjoyable exercise for beginners

How Does Fitness Help With Mental Health?

How Does Fitness Help With Mental Health?

As we’re approaching achieving good mental health, the importance of physical exercise comes to the surface. Amidst the daily rigmarole, it’s our mental health that takes the burnt of the never-ending race that we’re all participants of.

Thus, we need something that can relieve symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. In this case, a fit mind and body come to play. Fitness can play a major role in one’s mental well-being.

While the benefits of fitness are discussed more often, it throws a light between the link between exercise and mental health as well. Various studies show that having a fit body can ward off mental health problems even before they start.

Apart from this, there are many other ways that help fitness cope with mental health issues.

  • Relieves stress and anxiety:

Fitness and exercise help decrease sensitivity to the body’s reaction to anxiety. Exercising on a regular basis helps ease the symptoms of stress to a higher extent. When our body is involved, it promotes the growth of neurons in key areas of the brain.

This helps in playing a major role in relieving symptoms of psychiatric conditions and calms the brain during times of stress.

  • Motivated for opting for a healthy lifestyle: 

When our body is involved in any kind of physical exercise or fitness activity, it triggers the motivation for opting for a healthy lifestyle.

Getting involved in physical activity requires the intake of a balanced and healthy diet and thus makes our body more inclined towards a healthy lifestyle.

  • Increases body positivity: 

Practicing fitness activities helps a lot with easing mental health symptoms, one of which involves achieving body positivity. Research reveals that being conscious about our bodies contributes a lot to deteriorating mental health.

Physical exercise plays an important role here in keeping one in shape. This way, exercise enhances body positivity and keeps the body’s consciousness away from life.

  • Keeps your brain in shape: 

Physical fitness gets enormous attention for keeping the brain in shape. A healthy body cap prevents heart disease and diabetes and also helps in making the mind sharper for years to come.


There are many ways that keep one fit- thanks to the ever-evolving innovations in exercises and equipment. Weight lifting, running, and yoga are among many other ways that keep one fit and away from any mental disease.

  • Yoga:

Yoga postures are a great way to get rid of the stress that is bugging you. All you need is a well-made yoga mat to make your yoga practices more effective. Yoga postures and asanas are low-risk methods for healing the body and mind. Many people witness the positive effect of yoga after just one class of meditation.

  • Aerobic Exercise: 

Aerobic exercises like running, and cycling are another way to relieve stress and make you mentally fit. There is much research that shows that regular aerobic exercises done on well-built equipment are directly associated with better psychological health.

Fitness Accessories For Effective Workouts At Home

Fitness Accessories For Effective Workouts At Home

A workout that was once considered a luxury has undergone a paradigm shift over the past few years. All thanks to the evolution in workout equipment, people can now have their own mini gym at home.

From dumbbells to high cardio machines, one can easily have the best of gym equipment in their personal space. That too, without going out of budget. All this gym equipment helps you in staying in shape without stepping into a gym. 

So? What’s the cost? 

Very minimal. There’s an initial setup cost that is involved apart from the actual cost of the equipment. Other than that, if you don’t want to shell out for pricey boutique fitness classes, these gym equipment come in handy. Here we’ve picked up the best fitness accessories for an effective workout at home. 

  • Yoga Mats: Yoga mats are amazing equipment that can make your home equipment more equipment. Yoga mats are simple yet essential pieces of exercise gear. These mats can help in multiple ways from serving as a prop to do yoga postures to perform other exercises. However, one would want to know how to pick the best one out of the myriad of options available in the market. Our recommendation goes with WeRfit yoga mats that are made of high-quality material that best suits your body while practicing yoga exercises.
  • Resistance bands: while looking for fitness accessories for a home workout, people don’t want to overlook the comfort level that comes in. This is why resistance bands are the favorite equipment of those who prefer doing a workout at home. These bands help you to get rid of the lazy fat that is sticking around. Apart from this, High-quality resistance bands such as WeRfit resistance bands increase metabolism and channel muscle movement.
  • Mini Cycles: Who doesn’t love cycles, everyone does right? Now imagine, how would it feel if you get to do your pedaling sitting at your home in cozy environments? Sounds like a win-win deal. Mini-cycles are exactly the same. These cycles are proving to be a vibrant accessory for an effective workout at home that helps in weight loss. Not only this, these cycles improve metabolism and reduce stress enormously.
  • Balance Boards: A flat board, placed on a cylindrical roller that can help you get back in your actual posture too without going out of your home. This is how balance boards work. These boards are becoming a favorite of workout freaks. Balance boards give you great brain exercise and thus turns you into a better athlete. 

Gym workouts were never this easy as all these above-mentioned fitness equipment contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

They provide you with a blanket solution to all your fitness needs at home. Besides this, workout equipment at home provides easy access for a variety of balance workouts that helps in developing the mind-muscle connection. 

Does Resistance Band Really Work?

Does Resistance Band Really Work?

Does Resistance Band really work? This is indeed one of the most asked questions when people visit our website to buy the resistance band. If experts are to be believed then yes, they do.

Resistance bands do help in building strength and muscle mass. However, dumbbells have been considered the best, rather go-to equipment for muscle building but resistance bands can be equally effective if used well.

These bands are designed in such a way to build your muscle by stabilizing the muscle groups and providing extra lift-up to other exercises that you do in accordance with body weight. But what are these resistance bands and how do they really help? Let’s figure it out.

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So basically to keep it very simple, resistance bands are flat or looped bands that are slightly rubbery in texture. These bands come in different colors, sizes, lengths, and strengths. These bands work by adding an external force on the bands without having to hold the extra weight. If added well in the training, these bands can actually fire up your muscles.

These bands help you focus more on keeping control of your body, increase flexibility and even help in rehabilitation. Usually, when someone comes back from an injury, they add resistance bands to their rehabilitation to get fit and well faster but now more people are combining these bands with their workouts, taking them to the gym, parks, or even along when they travel.

But this doesn’t stop here. Resistance bands have more benefits than anyone could have ever anticipated. Here are the advantages of the Resistance band that you should pay more attention to.

They give you a Cost-effective workout: 

Investing in workout equipment can cost you a ton but resistance bands are an inexpensive addition to your home workout equipment.

Helps you exercise your whole body altogether: 

Unlike other workout equipment, resistance bands are not made just for one part of your body, instead, you can exercise your whole body with just one band or maybe with a set of two.

Can be used as a Pre-workout for heavy sessions: 

Resistance bands are great for toning smaller muscle areas, they are also great for activating muscles prior to your heavy lifting sessions or cardio exercise. By using resistance bands this way, you can ensure that your muscle groups are working properly or not.

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Now that you know the advantages of having a resistance band with you. Here are the exercises that you can do to make them work. With resistance bands, you can use them as part of a variety of fitness routines and workouts. You can also increase your flexibility, and muscular endurance and can even add them to your regular push-ups for increased difficulty.


Now, after knowing how well resistance bands work, people often get confused with replacing them with free weights. WErFIT has a take on this as well. Free weights will feel heaviest at the beginning of the arc motion that your arm makes, while resistance bands make your muscles work harder at the end.

Both have their own way of helping you out. But still, if you’re looking for some good quality resistance bands, then wefit resistance bands are more comfortable on the skin than others. High-quality resistance bands also absorb sweat to give you the maximum grip during your workout sessions.

Features Of Yoga That Makes Everyone Love It

Features Of Yoga That Makes Everyone Love It

Amidst our day full of chaotic rigmarole, it’s often our mental health that takes the brunt of the never-ending race we all are participants in.

Do you think we are taking a toll on our mental health and well-being in the wake of the city that never sleeps? Long story short, Yes! So, if you’ve come this far, pause whatever you’re doing for a minute.

Sit back, breathe in and Relax! Feels good? See, this is as simple as it gets. Now think, if this one minute of deep breathing can do wonders, what can its daily practice do?

The wonder of course, to the mind and the body. This is where YOGA comes in. Derived from the word ‘yuji’, yoga means union of mind and body. So, what does this yoga exactly do?

It brings your body and soul more peace, helps them understand and adapt to the situation by keeping them at ease, and helps them fight the diseases that come at your bay.

Yoga can also be the reason you glow more in the morning or you’re sleeping better. Maybe you’re getting fewer colds or feeling more relaxed, all this happens because of just a few yoga exercises you do in the morning.

Here we’re bringing you the features of yoga that everyone loves.


When it comes to improving your body posture, nothing can beat yoga. Working on your desk with a stiff back can hurt your spine, and this can also make you feel tired at the end of the day. However, practicing yoga postures can help you a lot in improving your posture. Not only this but practicing certain asanas also prevents pain in your neck and lower back.

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If someone is dealing with high blood sugar, yoga can be something that can’t be ignored. Yoga helps wonderfully in lowering blood sugar, it also helps improve the blood flow within the body and helps in eliminating bad cholesterol. Overall, yoga improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin.


There’s no hidden secret that yoga works as an elixir for relieving anxiety and stress. Well here’s the unheard fact, many people start practicing yoga as a way to cope with anxiety and stress in the first place. Interestingly enough, this works pretty well. Various research shows that when you’re practicing yoga, your mind and body is at the highest of peace. This way, it calms your stressful mind and significantly lowers levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and depression.


One of the features that makes everyone love yoga is that it helps in reducing inflammation. Inflammation is normal but up to some extent, long-term or chronic inflammation can lead to some underlying damaging effects on the body. Here the onus of playing the white knight comes at yoga postures.

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Now as you know all the features that make everyone love yoga, here comes the fun part. Yoga experts believe that the best yoga postures come out when you’re doing it on the right mat. For this, WRrFIT has the right pick for you. WErFIT has yoga mats that are made of high-quality material that best suits your body while practicing yoga exercises.

5 Things You Need To Know About Mini Cycle

5 Things You Need To Know About Mini Cycle

Staying fit without hitting the gym in the morning seems like a dream most of us live for. While seeing a healthy and fit lifestyle on the front page of the magazine makes you feel the burn, it can also feel like you are anywhere on this earth but the gym.

But what if we tell you that living a healthy lifestyle while staying busy with your daily rigmarole is no more a pie in the sky now? Sounds like a win-win deal no? Thanks to the modern advancements in technology, mini-cycles provide us the option to stay fit while being flexible with our daily work routine.

A mini cycle or pedal exerciser is excellent fitness equipment that helps you stay healthy by keeping many diseases at bay.

Mini cycles provide a plethora of health benefits. A pedlar exercise is an efficient way of strengthening your heart, lungs, and muscles. Riding a stationary exercise cycle can also help reduce weight by burning calories at large. Thus, here’s the roundup of five things that you should know about mini-cycles.


Here’s the thing, outdoor cycling can be a great way of exercising but it’s not as safe as it seems. Outdoor cycling comes with certain hazards or uneven road surfaces and inattentive drivers at large. However, things are different and pretty easy with indoor cycling. While cycling outdoors, one has to try hard to muster up the focus, indoor cycling gives you a comfortable ambiance at home without concern about traffic.


This goes without saying. Cycling is one of the easiest ways of losing weight. A busy life is taking a toll on our bodies and results in excessive weight gain. However, mini-cycles help you burn calories without compromising your workaholic schedule. Weight loss usually involves an individual burning 3500 calories to lose one pound of weight. Mini Cycle helps you in achieving that goal if done well. Mini cycles are also effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Mini cycling is an excellent way of doing cardiovascular exercise at home. It gets your heart pumping and improves the flow of blood and oxygen in your body. This way stationary biking exercise can affect your immune system in a positive way by reducing the overall stress.


Among all those health benefits that mini-cycles offer, there’s one more benefit that captures our attention. Stationary bikes can help you build enormous strength in your legs and lower body muscles if you use a higher resistance as suggested by WeRfit Mini cycle experts. Cycles work well with your calves, core muscles, glutes, and back.


Now this may sound bizarre but trust us, mini-cycles are so easy to carry that one can easily take them to the office, in a metro, or even on a bus. This is a comfortable, simple, and healthy solution that we all have been searching for years.

All you have to do is place them under your desk and keep the pedaling on. You can even adjust the tension on your mini-cycles to increase or decrease the difficulty of the pedals. For this, our recommendation goes with WErFIT mini-cycles. These mini-cycles give you the perfect grip for harnessing the best of your cycling exercise.

The Simplest Ways To Make The Best Of Balance Boards

The Simplest Ways To Make The Best Of Balance Boards

Balance boards are becoming more and more common these days. A tiny board that can be used without any expert supervision but provides a plethora of health benefits. Balance boards can improve your balance and make you a good athlete by improving basic fitness and stability. Long story short, a balance board is physiotherapy equipment that you can’t ignore.


A balance board is a fitness tool made of plank that rests on a hub. It is designed by placing on a cylindrical roller to give it easy access to the movement. These boards help in improving balance, posture helps aid lower-body injuries, and increase core strength. All this happens while you stand on the balance board while performing your exercises.

Here, in this article, we’re breaking down the most straightforward ways in which you can make the best of balance boards.


One of the easiest and most fruitful ways to use a balance board is to use it for weight loss. Unfortunately, these days, many people let their busy schedules take a toll on their bodies, resulting in unknowing weight loss.

Here, balance boards come into play. Balance board workouts involve a series of standing and weight-bearing exercises. So, like any other form of physical activity, practicing on balance boards also burns calories, resulting in weight loss.


One of the significant benefits of a balance board is that it teaches all those properties required to become a good athlete. It makes you more agile, improves your ability to make quick transitions, and improves your ability to react wisely to unpredictable situations, among many other benefits.

In addition, balance boards are known to provide stability; this is why professional athletes, especially gymnasts, and surf boarders, use them wisely as a part of their fitness routine.

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Believe it or not, a balance board can result in a beautiful brain exercise. The idea is simple; when you improve your posture and balance, your ability to focus improves simultaneously.

In addition, practicing daily on a well-made balance board enhances the ability of your brain to coordinate its two hemispheres and the attention the brain gives to the movement of any subject.


Sitting in front of screens for hours without taking any rest can be as harmful as it gets. It’s more like taking a toll on your body and posture. Unknowingly, we’re moving forward with a rounded lower back and slumping shoulders.

Balance boards can help a lot in getting you back to a good posture. These boards help build a strong foundation for the spinal bones by strengthening the muscles of the torso.


To live a healthy lifestyle, balance boards are no less than a win-win situation where they provide you with a blanket solution to all your fitness needs. By improving your balance, your overall strength grows, and you become more agile and less prone to ankle injuries.

WErFIT balance board proves to be fantastic equipment in the case. It provides space for a variety of balance workouts that helps in developing the mind-muscle connection.

My Mat My Yoga Buddy

My Mat – My Yoga Buddy – WErFIT

Yoga is a journey that accumulates your body and heals with divine spiritual powers. In one way or another, yoga is widely practiced worldwide as it provides efficient ways to slow down the natural turbulence of your thoughts and give balance to your body. Many believe that some yogic poses also have the power to still the restless mind.

Well, yoga offers a few poses that make your mind a dynamic center. With slight variations, all these yoga poses and practices have one thing in common- A Yoga Mat. A yoga mat not only provides you comfort while practicing yoga, but it also helps maintain your balance and have the right posture.

But, it may sound as exotic as it gets, de-stressing, relaxing, and keeping fit with a regular yoga routine, it’s almost as difficult to find the right yoga mat that has enough cushioning to protect our body and joints.


Believe it or not, yoga is best practiced when practiced in nature’s arms, with no artificial cooling. As a result, many yoga postures can make you sweat. This is where a yoga mat comes in. To harness the best of your yoga postures, you want a yoga mat so you don’t slip on it with your posture.

When I started practicing yoga, two years back, I started using regular cloth as a prop. But that didn’t work well. When you practice yoga, your body produces an ample amount of heat and my cloth prop proved to be unable to resist the transfer of warmth of my body onto the ground.

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This is how I discovered the WErFIT yoga mat. My perfect yoga buddy to keep the energy flowing while practicing yoga.

Designed according to your body:

WErFIT yoga mat is designed according to my body and yours too.

A yoga mat is a cover that is used for multiple reasons and is designed accordingly, so that you can practice all sorts of yoga methods such as lying, meditating, seating poses, and backward positioning. Usually, they are made of regular plastic material but WErFIT is made from biodegradable material and free from PVC, silicone, latex, and other toxic materials.

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Helps you get the right pose

While practicing yoga, one needs to stretch the body from different angles. This way, The anatomy and flexibility of every muscle and joint vary from one another. So, the WErFit yoga mat helps you concentrate on distinct focal points while practicing different asanas without any chaos.

There are some poses that make you realize the importance of a good yoga mat. Trikona Asana (Triangle pose) is the perfect example of the same. Practicing this asana with your front foot on a regular mat will make your front leg.

You’ll slip forward into an awkward front split. WErFIT Yoga Mat is designed in a way to give you maximum grip while doing even some difficult poses.

It’s important to make your mat your yoga buddy because, unlike other apparel or substitutes, a mat can be used for a longer amount of time.

Thus, it is important to buy a mat that provides both good quality and durability. WErFIT Yoga Mat provides you with great traction and comfortable padding. Also, for those extra-long yoga sashes, we have mats made of the finest quality material.

Comes in different sizes; Werfit yoga mats provide you with enough support and extreme comfort during sweaty yoga practices. Thus, wait no longer; bring home your yoga buddy now.

Try This Workout Plan To Shed Post-Covid-19 Fat In Just One Month

Try This Workout Plan To Shed Post-Covid-19 Fat In Just One Month

In today’s world, everyone wants to have a beautiful figure. But the lockdown and stay-at-home culture has destroyed agility. Another factor is finding the perfect workout that is both simple to undertake daily and intense enough to yield benefits.

Read this blog to know about fail-proof exercises that make you lean and muscular. Top workouts to get lean and muscular: If you desire to get a lean and muscular body in just 30 days, then read the following workouts. These will let you maximize your fat-burning process and also boost your metabolism.

  • Bench Press: Bench Press is a workout that not only gives you good shape but lets you develop the core muscles. It is mainly an upper body workout. The muscle groups that get activated are pectoralis major, deltoids (anterior), and triceps.
  • Barbell Pullover: This workout deals with the upper pectoral muscles, intercostals muscles, biceps brachii, triceps, and the serratus anterior area, that is, the muscles around the rib cage. This workout will help you lose weight and build leaner, stronger muscles by reducing the fat layer around your chest. For this workout, pick opt for a weight that will help to achieve the best movement possible. While practicing this workout, you’ll be able to comprehend the right barbell action with ease.; is required for maximum growth.
  • Bent-over Barbell Row: This exercise pumps up your deltoids, lats, forearms, and biceps and also heals the lower back. If you’re completing this workout correctly, you should feel a burning sensation in the muscles below your shoulders.
  • Deadlift: This workout will help you get a strong core and also help to improve the posture that might have altered because of long hours of sitting. This workout is a booster for the muscles of the lower back, the hips, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and also forearms. The deltoid muscles also get the chance to get boosted. In a nutshell, this is a full-body workout done on alternate days that will make you fit and get a lean mass.
  • Squats: This compound workout is solely enough to give you tons of thigh muscles and develops the glute. This workout is great if you are aiming for a strength training regime. The maximum impact comes on the quads, hamstrings, lower back, hips, and glutes. Squats are one of the killer workouts, as this exercise alone supports a lot to maximize your muscular structure. The sumo squat is a variety of basic squat workouts. In the sumo squat, the feet are placed wide apart and the toes of the feet are turned outwards setting the angle, but in the case of the regular and normal squat, the toes are set in the forward direction. The sumo squat creates the maximum impact on the inner thigh muscles and the glutes. Whereas, when you start the regular power squat, the stress is divided into all the areas of the thighs, quads, hams, calves, glutes, and hip flexors. To create the maximum impact, try it out with the toning tube.
  • Leg Press: Leg press overall triggers the hips, hamstrings, quads, and glutes. This workout is to build the strength in your legs that are supposed to be in good shape. People often overlook the legs, resulting in a figure with a large upper torso and chicken legs.
  • Pull-ups: This workout primarily helps you to get a beautiful V-shaped torso. The impact goes on to the lats, forearms, biceps, and also rhomboids. Perform this workout to get toned and beautiful legs.
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: It targets the upper pectorals, rotator cuffs, shoulders, and triceps. To get the best results – press the dumbbells with your palm in the same direction. You can do this workout with or without a backrest. Rely on this workout to get the huge deltoids. Combine it with the toning tube and construct a circuit program to gain the extra intensity.
  • Dips using parallel bars: The main muscle groups include anterior deltoids, triceps, and pectorals. This workout is one of the most powerful ways to lose fat encompassing your triceps and chest, in a position to have a lean and sharp look in a month’s time. This workout is also one of the most remarkable exercises in a calisthenics workout plan.
  • Sit-ups and crunches: Sit-ups and crunches should be wholeheartedly welcomed if you want a sleek waistline. These two workouts mixed together can cut down the additional fat layer of your tummy and take you one step closer to getting those 6 packs.

Tip – This workout works when you opt for fat-free diets and refrain from fast foods. Fast foods can make your body shape worse and produce stubborn fat. Fiber intake is to be improved since fiber accommodates removing of additional toxins.

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Last thing that you should not underestimate; you need to drink plenty of water, a vital element of your body, and hydrate your muscles. Water helps to keep them nourished and avoids additional fatigue.

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