7 Benefits of Starting Your Day with a Walk

7 Benefits of Starting Your Day with a Walk

When you wake up in the morning, movement may not be your first priority. But starting your day with a walk – whether it’s around your house or on your way to work or school – can provide your body with many health benefits.

Here are 6 reasons why you can start your day in a few steps. There are also some tips to incorporate it seamlessly into your daily routine.

1. Boost your energy

Starting your day with a walk will make you feel more energized throughout the day. If you walk outdoors, that’s especially true.

Studies have shown that people who walk outside the house for 20 minutes experience more vitality and energy than those who walk only under the house for 20 minutes.

A small study found that 10 minutes of stair walking is more energizing than a cup of coffee for women who feel sleep deprived.

The next time you need morning energy or when you feel tired in the morning, you can try a walk.

2. Complete your physical activity for the day

One benefit of taking a morning walk is that you’ll have completed your physical activity for the day — before any other family, work, or school obligations discomfort you.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that healthy adults should engage in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

To fulfill these requirements, try to wake up every morning in the week for a walk.

3. It can help you lose weight

Taking a walk in the morning can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Running for 30 minutes at a moderate pace can burn up to 150 calories.

With a healthy diet and strength training, you can lose weight.

4. Prevent or control health conditions

Walking can provide many benefits for your health, including boosting your immunity, as well as helping you prevent and manage a variety of health conditions.

Studies show that walking 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 19 percent. If you are living with diabetes, walking can help lower your blood sugar levels.

It can also help prolong your life and reduce the risk of serious diseases like heart disease and certain cancers.

5. Strengthen muscles

Walking strengthens your leg muscles. For best results, walk at a moderate to brisk pace. Try changing up your routine by going up stairs, going up and down hills, or walking on an incline on the treadmill.

Incorporate leg-strengthening exercises like squats and lunges once a week for greater muscle tone.

6. Sleep better at night

Walking can help you get a better sleep at night. A small 2017 study found that people between the ages of 55 and 65 were experiencing more difficulty sleeping at night or were living with mild insomnia.

People who exercised in the morning versus evening experienced better sleep at night. More research is needed to determine why exercising in the morning may be better for sleep than exercising at night.

7. Beat the heat

One benefit of walking in the morning in summertime is that you’ll be able to fit in exercise before it gets too hot outside.

Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after exercising to stay hydrated. If necessary, bring a water bottle with you. Or, plan to take a walk along a route with water fountains.

weight loose and belly fat

How Walking Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat

If you want to stay fit and healthy, it is very important to exercise regularly because being physically fit reduces the risk of serious diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Apart from helping you live a healthier and longer life, exercise can also be beneficial in managing your weight.

Fortunately, walking is a great form of physical activity that is free, low risk and beneficial for most people.

In fact, walking is not only good for you, but it is one of the easiest forms of exercise that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

Below are some points which explores how walking more often can help you loose weight and belly fat.

Walking Burns Calories

Your body needs energy for all the chemical reactions which will allow you to walk, breathe, think and function.

However, daily caloric requirements vary from person to person and are affected by factors such as your age, height, weight, gender, gene, and activity level.

As you know that to consume weight you will need to burn more calories.

In addition, people who are more physically active burn more calories than those who are inactive.

However, a modern living and working environment can mean that you spend most of the day sitting, especially if you work in an office. Unfortunately, an inactive lifestyle can not only help you gain weight, but it can also increase your risk of health problems.

Unfortunately, an inactive way of life will not only contribute to weight gain, but it may additionally boom your chance to fitness problems.

Exercising regularly can help you burn more calories and reduce these risks.

In fact, running a mile (1.6 km) can burn about 100 calories depending on your gender and weight.

One study measured the number of calories burned by people with an average level of health after running at a fast rate of 3.2 miles (5 km) per hour or running at a fast rate of 6 mph for approximately one mile. . The results show that those who run at a brisk pace can burn an average of 90 calories per mile.

In addition, even though running burns more calories, it burns on average only 23 calories per kilometer more, which means that both forms of exercise contribute significantly to the number of calories burned.

If you want to increase your walking speed and burn more calories, try hiking trails with hills or small slopes.

It helps to maintain muscles

When people lose calories and lose weight, they often lose some muscle in addition to body fat.

It can be unproductive because muscles are metabolically active rather than fat. This means that increasing muscle mass will help you burn more calories each day.

Exercise, including walking, can help counteract this effect by maintaining muscle mass while losing weight.

Maintaining muscle mass can help reduce the metabolic losses that often accompany weight loss, which can speed up the maintenance of your results.

In addition, regular exercise can reduce age-related muscle loss, which will help you maintain more muscle strength and function in later years.

Walking reduces Belly Fat

Storing large amounts of fat around the middle is associated with an increased risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

In fact, men with a waist circumference of more than 40 inches (102 cm) and women with a waist circumference of more than 35 inches (88 cm) are considered to have belly fat that is considered a health risk.

One of the most effective ways to reduce belly fat is to regularly attend aerobic exercise such as walking.

In a small study, obese women who walked 50-70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks reduced their waist circumference and body fat on average. The fat directly under the skin (subcutaneous) and the secreted fat in your abdomen (visceral) decreased in the exercise group compared to the control group.

Another study found that people on a controlled calorie diet who ran 12 times five times a week for 1 hour lost centimeters in the hips and more body fat compared to it. those who follow only a diet.

It Improves your mood

Exercise is known to improve mood.

In fact, physical activity has been shown to improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress, depression and anxiety.

It does this so that your brain is more sensitive to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine. These hormones can alleviate feelings of depression and stimulate the release of endorphins, which make you happy.

This in itself is a great advantage. However, if you walk regularly, you will improve your mood, it will be easier to follow this habit.

In addition, some studies have found that if you like physical activity, it can increase your chances of continuing.

People tend to exercise less when they are bored, which can be the result of excessive physical exercise.

This makes walking a very good choice, as it is a medium-intensity exercise. This will probably motivate you to continue running instead of stopping.

Walking can help you keep weight off

Many people who lose weight eventually end up gaining it all back.

However, regular exercise plays an important role in weight loss.

Regular exercise, such as walking, will not only help you increase the amount of energy you burn daily, but will also help you build leaner muscles so you can burn more calories, even at rest.

In addition, attending regular exercise with moderate intensity, such as walking, can improve your mood, so you are more likely to stay active for a long time.

A review estimates that you need to run at least 150 minutes a week to maintain a stable weight.

This makes walking a very good choice, as it is a medium-intensity exercise. This will probably motivate you to continue running instead of stopping.

However, if you have lost a lot of weight, you should exercise for more than 200 minutes a week to avoid gaining weight again.

In fact, studies have found that people who exercise regularly are most successful in maintaining weight loss; while people with the least amount of exercise are more likely to gain weight again.

Participating in multiple walks during the day will help you increase the number of exercises you do and contribute to your daily activity goals.


Staying active and exercising more throughout the day can help maintain weight loss.

5 ways you should implement to boost your energy levels

5 Ways you should implement to boost your energy levels

Many runners say that lack of energy is one of the main reasons they don’t run as often as they would like. Chronic fatigue can discomfort your best attempts at a consistent running program. After all, when your body fails drained just get out of the door and push up your limits.

Now runners may be wondering how to maintain their energy or sustain sustained energy levels for longer periods of time. The answer to this question is very simple: change your diet. Once you make sure you’re meeting your daily nutritional needs, nothing will stop you from reaching your running goals.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

When your body becomes dehydrated, your energy levels drop and as a result you cannot perform at your best. Several studies conducted on the effects of dehydration on performance include reduced endurance, speed, endurance, and increased fatigue.

So here’s the kicker: you need to hydrate throughout the day and, more importantly, hydrate throughout your run. For best results, add electrolytes to your water and drink them at regular intervals during your run to help maintain better energy levels.

Reduce Stress, Sleep Well

When you are stressed, you automatically feel inactive. To combat stress, engage in relaxation activities like yoga, meditation, listening to music, etc. One of the most common negative effects of stress is lack of sleep.

Because your body doesn’t get enough sleep at night, it doesn’t relax properly, leading to a feeling of drowsiness throughout the day.

To combat stress and get restful sleep, try adding more magnesium to your diet as magnesium is known to combat stress and help you sleep well.

Exercise Regularly

The irony is that exercising daily improves your energy level making you more motivated to run. Running, walking and other forms of cardiovascular exercise help release powerful feel-good hormones like endorphins. This hormone helps in promoting energy even after hours.

If you feel sluggish and hesitant about running during the day, consider going on an energy-boosting walk during the day. Running for 30 minutes can also provide benefits.

If you still feel tired, consider another type of exercise during the day. Just because you don’t have the energy to run doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise.

Eat a Nutritious Diet

If you always feel tired, lethargic and weak, then changing your eating habits can be beneficial for you.

Choosing whole, nutritious foods can increase the amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly. On the other hand, by eating those things which are high in sugar and fat, they can do a lot of harm to your body. So refrain from eating such things.

Additionally, some studies suggest that skipping meals may be associated with fatigue, anxiety, and poor attention.

It is also important that you should eat enough food to energize yourself during the day.

This is because adopting a very strict diet can deprive your body of calories and essential nutrients, such as iron, which can lower your energy level.

Connect with people

Social connection is very important for maintaining good health.

In fact, social isolation can lead to low mood and fatigue, especially as you get older.

Some research even shows that having stronger social connections could be associated with improvements in physical and mental health in your age.

If you feel tired and depressed, socializing with friends, joining a club or class, volunteering, or pursuing a new hobby can make you feel better.

How to Make Fitness a Sustainable Habit?

How to Make Fitness a Sustainable Habit?

5 ways to create a workout routine that you will love to do.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Ryun

One of the biggest obstacles to start or maintain a physical activity program must be with something that I call fitness resistance — the hesitation to welcome fitness in our lives as a permanent workout routine or program.

Make Fitness a Habit

How hard is it to change your underlying habits?

In fact, it is human nature to simply return to the comfort of our usual routine.

This means that making fitness a sustainable behavior requires a bit of thoughtful effort and some preparation.

The first thing to note is that once you start an exercise routine, a complementary approach is better than going for goal.

One or two exercises that left tired and exhausted are not enough to achieve your goal, and they might just discourage you from getting into a fitness routine.

Let’s say you’re trying to get into the habit of exercising. Laying out your athletic tools the night time earlier than might be an instance of a cue.

Following a easy exercising routine, that’s amusing and efficient and suits inside your time table might be an instance of a craving.

Training at home, or choosing a fitness center that is close to home as feasible might be an instance of response.

The goal is to train your brain to crave the reward, and with it the new exercise routine. If you stick to this routine, you will develop great habits and lasting results over time.

“Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Enjoy the process and be proud of every step you take toward reaching your goal.” — Benjamin Mumme

5 Ways to Create a Workout Routine That You Will Love to Do

5 ways to create a workout routine you’ll love.

When it comes to developing a long-term exercise habit, what can you do to increase your chances of success? Here are five ways to create a workout routine that you’ll love to follow.

1. Integrate your workout into other routines.

Aside from starting small, it’s a good idea to fit your workouts into other routines.

If you already have a good morning routine, see if there’s room for movement. If you have an after-work routine, try to include some physical activity at that time.

2. Create SMART Goals.

Fitness can mean something from specific to specific people. As you build your fitness habits, set specific goals about what being fit means to you.

A goal like “be fit” is too general. Instead, you want to create goals that are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, time-bound sensitive (SMART).

When you reach your goals, set new ones that will take you further. Goals are a great way to stay on track over the long term.

3. Set Short-Term Tasks.

Once you have set your specific goal, you also have something concrete to work toward. However, if it takes you a few months to reach your goal, however it can be difficult to maintain your momentum.

It’s helpful to set short-term tasks that support your long-term goal. These short-term tasks are like little checkpoints you can use to keep up as your fitness habits evolve.

4. Keep Yourself Accountable

You should never underestimate the power of responsibility. This can be a fitness trainer, a friend, or a family member.

Having someone you know is a great way to avoid getting into a rut with your new fitness routine.

5. Set a Realistic Starting Point.

If you’re trying to build a fitness habit then it’s easy to get carried away. You might plan to workout every next week or next month.

But if that means starting workouts all over again every day, then you might be setting unrealistic expectations.

Don’t start too intensely or you’ll end up injuring yourself and falling off the bandwagon into your new routine for a week.

6.  Find a Workout You Love.

If you participate in activities that you enjoy, you are more likely to continue doing them. If you don’t like your current exercise routine, you probably won’t be able to stick with it.

On the other hand, if you find a workout you love, then you’re more likely to turn that routine into a sustainable habit.

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13 Stoic Habits that help increase happiness, productivity and success in life!!

suprising benefits of yoga

The surprising benefits of yoga that you should try

You get more benefits from yoga than you think. In addition to improving flexibility and developing the ability to relax, yoga has many amazing benefits, especially physically.

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. And, if you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially accelerate healing.

Let’s see some of the benefits of yoga. Be prepared for some surprising benefits of yoga!

1. Yoga helps you retain a better posture

Your head is like a ball – big, round and heavy. When it is balanced directly on the bones of the spine , the muscles of the neck and back that support them are under very little stress .

However , extend it several inches and start pushing the muscles . Keep your head tilted forward for at least 7-8 hours and there is no guarantee that it will not make you tired… but this fatigue cannot be your only problem.

Yoga can improve posture by correcting any broadening in the spine.

2. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.

Slow walking and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm the muscles, while holding the pose can increase strength.

Tree Pose

Balance on one leg, while keeping the other foot on your calf or above the knee (but never the knee). And try to focus on one point and maintain balance for at least one minute.

3. Yoga benefits heart health.

There are many benefits of doing yoga regularly, it reduces your mental stress and physical inflammation, as well as keeps the heart healthy. High blood pressure, heart disease, and excess obesity, all these causes can be addressed through yoga.

4. Yoga Helps You Sleep Better

It is a very interesting fact that by doing yoga regularly, you get a better sleep. But if you really want to improve your bedtime routine, then do yoga. Yoga often focuses on breath control , meditation , and full body stretching , which science shows can help calm your mind and body so that you can go into your dream world .

Your Body Exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In Yoga, they come together in the present

5. Yoga Can Improve Memory Problems

According to a 2016 study by neuroscientists at UCLA, yoga can also prepare you for a healthier brain as you age. According to researchers, it has been found that a 3-month yoga and meditation program reduces your forgetfulness and increases the power of thinking. Studies have also found that yoga works better than brain trainers like puzzles and crosswords, such as Sudoku, when it comes to cognitive problem management.

6. Yoga may Boost Immunity.

Chronic stress negatively affects your immune system. When your immunity is compromised, you are more susceptible to disease. However, as mentioned above, yoga is considered a science-based alternative treatment for stress.

Research is still evolving, but some studies have found a clear link between practicing yoga (especially consistently over a long period of time) and better immune system function. This is due to yoga’s ability to fight inflammation and partly to boost cell-mediated immunity.

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13 Stoic Habits that help increase happiness, productivity and success in life!!

3 Simple Steps to Make Your Exercise Habit Stick

3 Simple Steps to Make Your Exercise Habit Stick

Exercise shouldn’t be a chore. Here’s how to make it easy.

Most people tell me that the main reason their health isn’t where they want to be is that they have trouble staying fit.

This is a universal problem.

But we can take steps to make it easier. I will outline two habits to help you stay addicted to exercise.

Do something every day + Find things you enjoy

Exercise and movement in general are essential for good health. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder or a runner, or even call yourself an “athlete.”

But you need to do exercise regularly.

Exercise is the basis of our health. This is always the first pillar I address because I believe that good exercise is the first step to improving our health.

What can you do

1. Do something every day

This is a great way to make exercise sustainable.

You don’t need to think about whether you’re going to exercise today. You know you are. And daily exercise is the fastest way to good health.

It doesn’t have to be a complete workout every day. You still need days of rest to heal your body.

It just moves your body in a certain way every day.

There may be days when you have problems, such as a longer run or strength training. Then you might have a lighter day where you go for a 30 minute walk or do a yoga session.

Do one thing every day so you don’t have to make decisions.

2. Do something you enjoy

It may be weird, but you don’t have to suffer from exercise.

If you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, find something else.

I don’t like running. That’s why I’m not running. I love rowing machines, so yes. Or I’ll go for a walk. I’m either doing HIIT on a bike or with a kettlebell.

But I enjoy strength training. That most of my training time I’m in the gym lifting weights.

Don’t feel like you have to do something because others are doing it. There are so many ways to exercise. Don’t suffer through it.

Exercise should be enjoyable.

You don’t need to suffer through exercise to be healthy.

If you find yourself dreading your exercise sessions, or not doing them at all, see if you can make the habit smaller so you can do it every day, and switch up what you’re doing until you find something you actually enjoy.

3. Start with small exercises.

The best way to get used to exercising is to start exercising as quickly as possible, even when you are running low on willpower and can’t get motivated to work out. In the words of Leo Babauta, start with something that is so easy you can’t say no.

Here’s a strategy you can use at the beginning: The 2 minute rule.

It’s very simple: focus on finding a way to start in just 2 minutes, instead of worrying about your entire workout.

Are you trying to find motivation to run? Just fill the water bottle and put on your running shoes. That’s all you need to do to consider a successful workout right now. Usually this little start of 2 minutes is enough to motivate you and help you finish the job.

What are the most valuable values of a workspace during home?

What are the most valuable values of a workspace during home?

A coronavirus pandemic is dramatically changing the work environment of many organizations. Working from home has become a new habit in recent years. It is very likely that the newly discovered way of working from home and virtual collaboration will continue.

People are now experiencing some unmistakable benefits, such as shortening commuting times, restoring time for family life, autonomy in planning their own work schedule, time for continuous, focused work.

At the same time, employers will have felt that the sky did not come tumbling down when people were working from home. They also see how productivity can be beneficial in some cases, and they are also beginning to see if the high cost of building an office is really necessary given the current situation.

Many companies are trying to generate revenue, even more profitably. And you don’t see your colleagues and managers as usual in telework meetings. When you are in the office, you can communicate with these people informally several times a day. Now, if you don’t have an appointment on their calendar, you may be wondering if they remember your presence – and more importantly, your interest in the organization.

Getting your work done is always a good idea. But especially at a time when companies and organizations have to make difficult decisions about how to proceed, it is important to do their job – and do their job well.

Commuting Time

The average one-way commuting time is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. The, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

Sustainability Initiatives

Remote work supports a variety of sustainability initiatives, from economic growth and reduced inequalities, to sustainable cities, climate change, and responsible consumption.



One of the fastest and most affordable ways for employers and employees to reduce their carbon footprint and influence climate change is to reduce commuting. In fact, the world has already seen greater reductions in pollution, congestion and traffic during the pandemic response, and experiencing the results first hand can be a driving force for teleworking for all involved.

Telecommuting often leads to fewer disruptions, less office policy, quieter noise levels, and fewer (or more efficient) appointments. Add in the lack of a commute, and remote workers typically have more time and fewer distractions, which leads to increased productivity—a huge advantage of working from home for the same employees and employers.


When done right, remote work allows employees and companies to focus on what really matters—performance. Unfortunately, the office environment can create “false positives” that can lead to bias and favoritism. After all, coming in early and leaving late may “look” like more work, but actual performance is a much better indicator of productivity.

In addition to personal health and well-being, relationships with the employee and manager can be more positive without the disruptive influences and principles that accompany working in the office. Report says that, 72% of employers say that working remotely has a big impact on employee retention—plainly put, employees are sticking with their employer when they have remote work options.

better health

Better Health

Working from home can also lead to better health in a variety of ways:

  • More time for physical activity
  • The ability to eat healthier
  • Can recover from illness or surgery at home
  • Less exposure to illnesses
  • Ease of caring for a health issue or disability
  • The option to create a comfortable and ergonomic workspace.
  • Working remotely can give employees the time and environment needed to make healthy choices.

Positive Attitude

Employers value employees who understand and possess a willingness to work hard. In addition to working hard, it is also important to work smart. This means learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding ways to save time while completing daily assignments. It’s also important to care about your job and complete all projects while maintaining a positive attitude.

Being responsible as an employee shows your employer that you value your work and that you are responsible for carrying out projects and letting them know what they need to know.

A positive attitude can do the job and motivate others to do so without thinking about the challenges that inevitably come with every job.

It is the enthusiastic employee who creates an environment of goodwill and sets a positive example for others. A positive attitude is something that superiors and colleagues value most, and it makes work much more enjoyable and enjoyable to go through each day.

Good Time Management Skills

Doing more than the job expects is a great way to show management that you are using good time management skills and not wasting significant work time solving personal problems without work-related issues.

Being open to change and improvements provides an opportunity to complete work assignments more efficiently while offering additional benefits to the corporation, the customer, and even the employee.

While employees often complain that changes in the workplace are unreasonable or make it difficult for them to work, these complaints often face a lack of flexibility.


Adaptability also means adapting to the personality and work habits of co-workers and supervisors. Each person possesses their own set of strengths and adapting personal behaviors to accommodate others is part of what it takes to work effectively as a team.

Value employees who exhibit professional behavior at all times. Professional behavior includes learning every aspect of a job and doing it to the best of one’s ability. Professionals look, speak, and dress accordingly to maintain an image of someone who takes pride in their behavior and appearance. Professional’s complete projects as soon as possible and avoid letting uncompleted projects pile up.

Professionals do high quality work and study in detail. Professional ethics includes all of the above ethics except that it sets a positive example for others. Professionals are enthusiastic about their work and optimistic about the organization and its future. If you want to be a professional, you have to feel like a professional and following these tips is a good start to get where you want to be.

By viewing change as an opportunity to complete work assignments in a more efficient manner, adapting to change can be a positive experience. New strategies, ideas, priorities, and work habits can foster a belief among workers that management and staff are both committed to making the workplace a better place to work.


Trust and autonomy are key determinants of engagement and productivity.

But, during my survey and individual introspection I feel people have different individual needs, values and aspirations – so the future will be one in which workplaces are co-designed. This is an important finding, as many organizations believe that fairness means that everyone is treated in exactly the same way. It is still important for people to feel a sense of belonging, identity and purpose in what they’re doing. And for these things to have their effects, people will need to be able to regularly meet in person.

That does not mean that everyone needs to come to the office all day, but teams can arrange days that are appropriate for meetings, brainstorms, social gatherings.

working remotely

Happy, healthy, and productive while working remotely

Working Remotely has many benefits, but if don’t do it right, it can ruin your work-life balance. Below are some of what I’ve learned while working remotely as a developer over the last two years.

1. Keep your mobile phones out of reach

Digital alerts, such as phone calls and push notifications, are more productive. If we choose to respond to a warning, it will divide our working hours into two parts, or if choose to act, it will occupy part of our mind. That’s why it’s good to have a cell phone outside of workplace.

Tip : Most of the time spent on our mobile phone is longer than we expected. To reduce the time spent on the screen, try checking your phone only a few times a day, at times planned by you.

2. Do not sleep in your workplace

Our brain interacts with area of activities we do there. When we relax and work in same place, we have a better chance of switching between relaxation mode and work mode. Separate spaces for both can help reduce sleep-rated thoughts and relax while working.

Tip: Dressing up for the office at work is a great way to change your work mentality when you’re at home.

3. Sleep Early Wake up Early

This is the most discussed topic, but I have found that getting up early is better for me. The sun and the morning breeze are also worth the effort.

I feel more productive when I start work early in the morning, my mind is fresh and full of energy to solve difficult problems. After lunch, we will find plenty of free time to rest. 6:00 to 14:00 is my favorite working hours.

Getting to bed early for the next day and making sure you have at least 8 hours of sleep is very important for maintaining a cycle.


4. Fitness

If you don’t have time for health, your priorities may be in the wrong order. Health is a big problem for information workers, who spend most of their time sitting down. Going to exercise is a great way to take a break from your normal work environment and recharge your batteries mentally and physically.

Tip: Make sure you keep your body mass index and body fat percentages within limits.

5. Reading

We are average of the people around us, so if we only work remotely, we can improve ourselves by reading . Reading brings us to the minds of different people. It also provides us with knowledge of the areas we want to study. The time invested in reading always pay off. These are the books I read

6. Have fun on the weekend

It’s natural and easier for us to stay at home, but it’s better to go out for weekend emulation. Do something different on the weekend, have fun, get dirty, get physically exhausted. Do things that will keep your mind free and ready for the coming week.

I like to go to multi-day camps and long-distance cycling.

7. Side Projects

Side projects are fun, great to learn, and open up opportunities for new opportunities. You can work on anything that interests you, also try to explore projects outside for profession. I love working on projects, including writing, drawing, creating digital products, gardening and more.


Nothing lasts forever, use your time now. All these points are not strong. I always try new things and I love the ones that work for me, please let me know if you have any suggestions for me.

strenght training at home for beginners

Strength Training At Home For Beginners

If you’ve just started your strength training, you must be skeptical about what to do and what not to do?

If you’ve started strength training at home, things become even more difficult as you hardly have any guidance on where to get started. We’ve got your back! Your idea of getting started with strength training in itself is a big positive so sit back and relax!

Whether your goal is to build toned muscle mass or a fitter, lifting weights can help you achieve all your goals.

However, one thing to be very clear about is that if you’re a beginner and have started your strength at home, it doesn’t have to be excess of everything. Just go slow by opting for the relatively simple way of exercising that uses resistance training in the form of free weights.

Here is your go-to guide for strength training at home.


Dumbbells: The beginner’s thing that you need in your strength training kit is no doubt Dumbbells. A set of dumbbells can do wonders for you and give you the exact toned muscles that you’re wanting to have.

Door Anchors: Door Anchors make look like a simple thing but trust me, there’s more to it. Door anchors, when used with resistance bands, give you perfect grip. They can be very well used as an alternative to dumbbells if you’re a beginner. Not only this, Door anchors come for as little as 300 rs. You can check out WeRfit Door anchors to pair them up with your resistance bands

Resistance Bands: As mentioned before, resistance bands are a great alternative for dumbbells when paired with door anchors. The multi-color elastic bands provide different levels of resistance when pulled apart and stretched further. These bands come at such a reasonable price and always prove to be a super hit for your home workout- they are light in weight so you can carry them with you when you travel as well.

Do’s and Don’ts: 

When you’re hitting up with your strength training workout at home, here are all the do’s and don’t that we advise you to do.

  • Warm-Up: Aerobic exercises ask for some warm-up before getting into the main exercise. Strength training works best with a warm-up like a 5-minute jog and brisk walk. This will help in increasing your blood flow to your muscles and prime your muscles for a good workout.
  • Keep your workouts no longer than 45 minutes: In order to get the workout perfect, keep your sessions for no longer than 45 minutes. You’ll not reap any benefit from long sessions and Instead, you’ll increase the risk of burnout and muscle fatigue.
  • Start Light: When getting started with strength training at home, don’t rush into things. Instead, start light. Begin with 1 or 2 sets of weight lifting and then gradually progress to 3 sets or more.
  • Increase the weights gradually: Once you’ve started and are now all set with your sets and reps, slowly increase the weight so that you don’t end up hurting yourself, say 5 to 10 percent increase.

Workout at home is easy to do but to make it effective, you need to be well versed with what you need at what time. As our recommendation goes, WErFIT equipment is great and lightweight to help you make the best of your strength training at home.

toning tube, set of 5

Easy Workouts You Can Do With Door Anchor

Whenever we talk about the ease of working out, the thought of working out at home comes in handy. Home brings the comfort of working out, for people with introverted nature, it’s a big positive. Thanks to the little stretchy saviors, one can easily do their chest and shoulder workout using the door anchor. How? We’re here to open the playbook for you. Here are some easy exercises that you can do with door anchors. But, before taking a deep dive let’s look at the equipment that we’ll need to have the best pecs of life.

Resistance Band: Resistance bands are a piece of perfect equipment for having the door anchor workouts. These bands help tone the muscles and shoulders and are very effective and simple to exercise with. Resistance bands can fit into any workout regimen or can be used to create a new exercise routine altogether. It’s really important to use the right resistance band for a door anchor workout that gives you a perfect grip so that all your focus stays on your workout only. Werfit resistance tube can be secured to any standard door as an anchor point for resistance tubing.

Easy workouts you can do with door anchor

  • Chest Press: 

One of the easiest ways to leverage most of the door anchors is the chest press exercise. Chest press can be performed seated or standing with the help of resistance tubes. This way, one can even perform incline and decline chest presses just by raising or lowering the height of the selected door anchor.

  • Trunk Rotation: 

Trunk rotation is another effective yet easy exercise that can be done targeting different muscles of the body. For doing Trunk rotation, one needs to attach the resistance tube with the door anchor strap. Select an anchor point (high or low) between the muscles. Core muscles play a big role in trunk rotation exercise, thus they can be raised or lower down are per the movement of your arm. For getting the most of the exercise, slowly rotate your trunk and arms away from the wall.

  • Shoulder Row: 

Another easy workout you can do with a door anchor is shoulder row. A shoulder row is an excellent exercise that helps in tightening the muscles of the shoulders. With door anchors, shoulder rows can be performed in both seated and standing positions. Attach the resistance tube to an anchor point and keep the shoulder at an approximate height, slowly pull your hands towards your body while feeling the increase in the tubing tension as your muscles contract.

  • Hip Abduction or Extension: 

Hip Abduction or extension is an easy-to-do exercise that can be done with your WeRfit resistance band. You can add an array of hip- strengthening exercises to your daily routine using a door anchor resistance tube. All you have to do is attach the resistance tube to the lowest anchor point, stand with your side towards the wall. Slowly lift the strapped leg out away from your side and against the resistance of the tubing and you’re good to go.