weight loose and belly fat

How Walking Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat

If you want to stay fit and healthy, it is very important to exercise regularly because being physically fit reduces the risk of serious diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Apart from helping you live a healthier and longer life, exercise can also be beneficial in managing your weight.

Fortunately, walking is a great form of physical activity that is free, low risk and beneficial for most people.

In fact, walking is not only good for you, but it is one of the easiest forms of exercise that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

Below are some points which explores how walking more often can help you loose weight and belly fat.

Walking Burns Calories

Your body needs energy for all the chemical reactions which will allow you to walk, breathe, think and function.

However, daily caloric requirements vary from person to person and are affected by factors such as your age, height, weight, gender, gene, and activity level.

As you know that to consume weight you will need to burn more calories.

In addition, people who are more physically active burn more calories than those who are inactive.

However, a modern living and working environment can mean that you spend most of the day sitting, especially if you work in an office. Unfortunately, an inactive lifestyle can not only help you gain weight, but it can also increase your risk of health problems.

Unfortunately, an inactive way of life will not only contribute to weight gain, but it may additionally boom your chance to fitness problems.

Exercising regularly can help you burn more calories and reduce these risks.

In fact, running a mile (1.6 km) can burn about 100 calories depending on your gender and weight.

One study measured the number of calories burned by people with an average level of health after running at a fast rate of 3.2 miles (5 km) per hour or running at a fast rate of 6 mph for approximately one mile. . The results show that those who run at a brisk pace can burn an average of 90 calories per mile.

In addition, even though running burns more calories, it burns on average only 23 calories per kilometer more, which means that both forms of exercise contribute significantly to the number of calories burned.

If you want to increase your walking speed and burn more calories, try hiking trails with hills or small slopes.

It helps to maintain muscles

When people lose calories and lose weight, they often lose some muscle in addition to body fat.

It can be unproductive because muscles are metabolically active rather than fat. This means that increasing muscle mass will help you burn more calories each day.

Exercise, including walking, can help counteract this effect by maintaining muscle mass while losing weight.

Maintaining muscle mass can help reduce the metabolic losses that often accompany weight loss, which can speed up the maintenance of your results.

In addition, regular exercise can reduce age-related muscle loss, which will help you maintain more muscle strength and function in later years.

Walking reduces Belly Fat

Storing large amounts of fat around the middle is associated with an increased risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

In fact, men with a waist circumference of more than 40 inches (102 cm) and women with a waist circumference of more than 35 inches (88 cm) are considered to have belly fat that is considered a health risk.

One of the most effective ways to reduce belly fat is to regularly attend aerobic exercise such as walking.

In a small study, obese women who walked 50-70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks reduced their waist circumference and body fat on average. The fat directly under the skin (subcutaneous) and the secreted fat in your abdomen (visceral) decreased in the exercise group compared to the control group.

Another study found that people on a controlled calorie diet who ran 12 times five times a week for 1 hour lost centimeters in the hips and more body fat compared to it. those who follow only a diet.

It Improves your mood

Exercise is known to improve mood.

In fact, physical activity has been shown to improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress, depression and anxiety.

It does this so that your brain is more sensitive to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine. These hormones can alleviate feelings of depression and stimulate the release of endorphins, which make you happy.

This in itself is a great advantage. However, if you walk regularly, you will improve your mood, it will be easier to follow this habit.

In addition, some studies have found that if you like physical activity, it can increase your chances of continuing.

People tend to exercise less when they are bored, which can be the result of excessive physical exercise.

This makes walking a very good choice, as it is a medium-intensity exercise. This will probably motivate you to continue running instead of stopping.

Walking can help you keep weight off

Many people who lose weight eventually end up gaining it all back.

However, regular exercise plays an important role in weight loss.

Regular exercise, such as walking, will not only help you increase the amount of energy you burn daily, but will also help you build leaner muscles so you can burn more calories, even at rest.

In addition, attending regular exercise with moderate intensity, such as walking, can improve your mood, so you are more likely to stay active for a long time.

A review estimates that you need to run at least 150 minutes a week to maintain a stable weight.

This makes walking a very good choice, as it is a medium-intensity exercise. This will probably motivate you to continue running instead of stopping.

However, if you have lost a lot of weight, you should exercise for more than 200 minutes a week to avoid gaining weight again.

In fact, studies have found that people who exercise regularly are most successful in maintaining weight loss; while people with the least amount of exercise are more likely to gain weight again.

Participating in multiple walks during the day will help you increase the number of exercises you do and contribute to your daily activity goals.


Staying active and exercising more throughout the day can help maintain weight loss.

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