A coronavirus pandemic is dramatically changing the work environment of many organizations. Working from home has become a new habit in recent years. It is very likely that the newly discovered way of working from home and virtual collaboration will continue.
People are now experiencing some unmistakable benefits, such as shortening commuting times, restoring time for family life, autonomy in planning their own work schedule, time for continuous, focused work.
At the same time, employers will have felt that the sky did not come tumbling down when people were working from home. They also see how productivity can be beneficial in some cases, and they are also beginning to see if the high cost of building an office is really necessary given the current situation.
Many companies are trying to generate revenue, even more profitably. And you don’t see your colleagues and managers as usual in telework meetings. When you are in the office, you can communicate with these people informally several times a day. Now, if you don’t have an appointment on their calendar, you may be wondering if they remember your presence – and more importantly, your interest in the organization.
Getting your work done is always a good idea. But especially at a time when companies and organizations have to make difficult decisions about how to proceed, it is important to do their job – and do their job well.
Commuting Time
The average one-way commuting time is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. The, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.
Sustainability Initiatives
Remote work supports a variety of sustainability initiatives, from economic growth and reduced inequalities, to sustainable cities, climate change, and responsible consumption.

One of the fastest and most affordable ways for employers and employees to reduce their carbon footprint and influence climate change is to reduce commuting. In fact, the world has already seen greater reductions in pollution, congestion and traffic during the pandemic response, and experiencing the results first hand can be a driving force for teleworking for all involved.
Telecommuting often leads to fewer disruptions, less office policy, quieter noise levels, and fewer (or more efficient) appointments. Add in the lack of a commute, and remote workers typically have more time and fewer distractions, which leads to increased productivity—a huge advantage of working from home for the same employees and employers.
When done right, remote work allows employees and companies to focus on what really matters—performance. Unfortunately, the office environment can create “false positives” that can lead to bias and favoritism. After all, coming in early and leaving late may “look” like more work, but actual performance is a much better indicator of productivity.
In addition to personal health and well-being, relationships with the employee and manager can be more positive without the disruptive influences and principles that accompany working in the office. Report says that, 72% of employers say that working remotely has a big impact on employee retention—plainly put, employees are sticking with their employer when they have remote work options.

Better Health
Working from home can also lead to better health in a variety of ways:
- More time for physical activity
- The ability to eat healthier
- Can recover from illness or surgery at home
- Less exposure to illnesses
- Ease of caring for a health issue or disability
- The option to create a comfortable and ergonomic workspace.
- Working remotely can give employees the time and environment needed to make healthy choices.
Positive Attitude
Employers value employees who understand and possess a willingness to work hard. In addition to working hard, it is also important to work smart. This means learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding ways to save time while completing daily assignments. It’s also important to care about your job and complete all projects while maintaining a positive attitude.
Being responsible as an employee shows your employer that you value your work and that you are responsible for carrying out projects and letting them know what they need to know.
A positive attitude can do the job and motivate others to do so without thinking about the challenges that inevitably come with every job.
It is the enthusiastic employee who creates an environment of goodwill and sets a positive example for others. A positive attitude is something that superiors and colleagues value most, and it makes work much more enjoyable and enjoyable to go through each day.
Good Time Management Skills
Doing more than the job expects is a great way to show management that you are using good time management skills and not wasting significant work time solving personal problems without work-related issues.
Being open to change and improvements provides an opportunity to complete work assignments more efficiently while offering additional benefits to the corporation, the customer, and even the employee.
While employees often complain that changes in the workplace are unreasonable or make it difficult for them to work, these complaints often face a lack of flexibility.
Adaptability also means adapting to the personality and work habits of co-workers and supervisors. Each person possesses their own set of strengths and adapting personal behaviors to accommodate others is part of what it takes to work effectively as a team.
Value employees who exhibit professional behavior at all times. Professional behavior includes learning every aspect of a job and doing it to the best of one’s ability. Professionals look, speak, and dress accordingly to maintain an image of someone who takes pride in their behavior and appearance. Professional’s complete projects as soon as possible and avoid letting uncompleted projects pile up.
Professionals do high quality work and study in detail. Professional ethics includes all of the above ethics except that it sets a positive example for others. Professionals are enthusiastic about their work and optimistic about the organization and its future. If you want to be a professional, you have to feel like a professional and following these tips is a good start to get where you want to be.
By viewing change as an opportunity to complete work assignments in a more efficient manner, adapting to change can be a positive experience. New strategies, ideas, priorities, and work habits can foster a belief among workers that management and staff are both committed to making the workplace a better place to work.
Trust and autonomy are key determinants of engagement and productivity.
But, during my survey and individual introspection I feel people have different individual needs, values and aspirations – so the future will be one in which workplaces are co-designed. This is an important finding, as many organizations believe that fairness means that everyone is treated in exactly the same way. It is still important for people to feel a sense of belonging, identity and purpose in what they’re doing. And for these things to have their effects, people will need to be able to regularly meet in person.
That does not mean that everyone needs to come to the office all day, but teams can arrange days that are appropriate for meetings, brainstorms, social gatherings.
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